Orum Therapeutics, Inc. is incorporated in South Korea.
2F, 281-25 Munji-ro, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon, South Korea. Our US address can be found here.
The ticker symbol for Orum Therapeutics’ common stock is 123456.KQ, which is traded on the KOSDAQ exchange.
Orum is listed on the KOSDAQ market. Shares may be purchased through a registered broker-dealer or an online trading platform of your choice. Major international brokerages and banks often offer access to trade Korean stock. Shares cannot be purchased directly from the company.
These are available on our investor relations page and the DART website (DART - Repository of Korea's Corporate Filings).
This information is available our About page.
December 31st
Orum does not distribute dividends on its common stock.
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